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I guess it would have been better had the Mail Tribune printed the ad I sent them, but it chose not to. Probably because either the folks there hadn't a clue what Linux is, or there wasn't enough room because of all the other reeeealy important stuff going on technologically in the sleepy little Valley of the Rogue. Robin and Loran and I set up three Linux machines Friday evening, as Doug fought with a cantankerous 486 with a wonky video board (we think). The 486 was conspicuously absent the next morning. We ended up with four machines demonstrating three distributions: RedHat 6.0, Linux Mandrake, and LinuxPPC. The process of creating a user/demo account on LinuxPPC managed somehow to crash Xauthority services to the point that it would not even permit root logins. I had misplaced the LinuxPPC CD so we just used the Mac as a telnet terminal logged on to one of the RedHat systems. The Room Connecting Point was a most gracious host. The "training room" they gave us provided a bright, clean, quiet and open demo area. They had arranged the computer tables in an "L" shape and connected power. Each table had a power strip and LAN cable. They also reserved five ethernet addresses on their LAN for us so, of course, Linux enabled us to quickly become part of their network and make use of their T1 internet services. The high speed access was deliciously impressive to us as well as to visitors. The store had a large-format printer and printed out a 36x60-inch banner that we hung up outside the front door.
Demo room: Jacek and Loran setting up. Networking
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