Site Contents:
Last Meeting: Loran Hughes gave a brief but very informative presentation of Linux system intrusion detection tools and Web locations to get them.
Next Meeting: ** New Location! ** Our next regular meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 10th, 5:30 PM at CybernetIsp, 8th and Grape Streets, Medford. CybernetIsp has a large room to accomodate our bigger attendance counts. It's about 15 by 30 feet, and we just may need some more folding chairs. If anyone knows where we can get some cheap, let me know.Agenda Introduction to FreeBSD by a happy user, and an introduction to starting up a home wireless LAN. As always, if you too would like to have Linux installed at this meeting, contact me in advance and please see the installation prep tips at
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Last Meeting: Thanks a bunch to Rueben Moore for presenting a workable IP masquerading script. I brought it home and plugged it into my RH6.2 server and it worked just fine.
See the article on the home page ("Security...") for some notes on last night's session.
Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 11th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland (unless another location with a larger room presents itself!).Agenda HOWTO Detect Intrusion Attempts, by Loran Hughes. As always, if you too would like to have Linux installed at this meeting, contact me in advance and please see the installation prep tips at
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be Nov. 8th, 5:30 P. 8th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland.
Agenda I am pleased to announce that two Rogue Penguins have come forward to share their expertise in security measures by covering two major topics: First, HOWTO Secure A Server by Rueben Moore. Then, HOWTO Detect Intrusion Attempts, by Loran Hughes. In addition, we will be installing SuSE's latest distribution on a machine offered by Rogue Penguin Chris Knox. As always, if you too would like to have Linux installed at this meeting, contact me and please see the installation prep tips at
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Last Meeting: We successfully installed Mandrake 7 on an older slightly underpowered system, overcoming minor technical problems with the mouse and memory size. This is where the power of Linux shines out - allowing an otherwise obsolescent piece of hardware to remain usefull. Initially we had planned to use Mandrake 8, but the graphical installer refused torefused to cooperate in determining the hardware configuration. It was a splendid team effort. Thanks to all of the small group attending.
Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be Nov. 8th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland.
Agenda I am in the process of outlining an interesting agenda, and am hoping to have at least two speakers addressing aspects of Linux system and server security. If you are knowledgable or have experience with security tools, please volunteer; if you know someone else who is, ask them to come talk at us. This is really an eager and easy group to present to, and presentations sometimes become interactive. Speakers frequently learn something new themselves! As always, if you would like to have Linux installed at this meeting, contact me and please see the installation prep tips at
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting: Our next regularext regular meeting will be Sept. 13th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland. Please excuse my not updating this page in the last few weeks, I live just 1.5 miles west of the Quartz fire starting point, so I've been concentrating on remedying a sudden awarness that my place needs some fire prevention maintenance. I also landed a temporary teaching job for a week.
Agenda We have a tentative plan to install [Linux] on the machine of a new member. I recently upgraded my server to Mandrake8 so we'll be offering to install that (or any of the other distros we have archived) at the next meeting for anyone who's interested, and discuss its relative merits and setup tips. Please see the installation prep tips at
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be tomorrow, July 12th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland.
Agenda RPLUG Gaming Project member Nate Putnam is planning to show us how he and Matt Rice set up some slick gaming machines from Falcon NorthWest to play first-person action games. This will be followed by open discussion.
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be July 12th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland.
Agenda TBD.
New! RPLUG member Rueben Moore is going for Linux certification and has published an article telling his experiences toward that end. (See the announcement below.)
Be sure to check here for updates, make more frequent use of our message board, the "Rookery," and checkout our new PERL-scripted chat room, the RPLUG Open Forum! (Come on, it was fun writing this - and if it gets too crowded, I will increase the number of rooms.).
Any suggestions for modificatfor modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Tonight's Meeting is canceled: Our next regular meeting will be July 12th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland.
Agenda TBD.
Be sure to check here for updates, make more frequent use of our message board, the "Rookery," and checkout our new PERL-scripted chat room, the RPLUG Open Forum! (Come on, it was fun writing this - and if it gets too crowded, I will increase the number of rooms.).
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be May 11th, 5:30 PM at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland.
- Yours truly will give a personal mini-ve a personal mini-HOWTO on installing a low-cost CD-R.(Correction 5/9/01 - An emergency has arisen preventing me from being at this meeting. I have posted my presentation at I hope this does not stifle a gathering of penguins.
- I will give an update on coming events and current projects.(see above)
- We will, as usual have a round-table tips/solutions session,
- and we will also as usual, install Linux for anyone who wants to prepare and bring their target machine.
Be sure to check here for updates, make more frequent use of our message board, the "Rookery," and checkout our new PERL-scripted chat room, the RPLUG Open Forum!.
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be March 8th, again at Project A, 340 A Street, Ashland. We acshland. We actually have a speaker lined up this time:
- Jacek Zagorski of Shasta NetWorks LLC will give a short talk on integrating Windows systems into Linux networks using Samba.
- We will, as usual have a round-table tips/solutions session,
- and we will also as usual, install Linux for anyone who wants to prepare and bring their target machine.
Be sure to check here for updates, and also make more frequent use of our message board, "The Rookery".
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Last Meeting: (meaning the one we just had, NOT that we aren't having any more!) was a success from the standpoint that:
- We had a great round-table discussion on a variety of Linux and open-source topics,
- We gave out free copies of full Caldera 2.3 distributions (by the way, I left an additional 10 copies at Project A in the care of Ne in the care of Ned Marr, if you'd like one go see Ned.)
- We had several new members with interesting Linux problems and applications, and
- We are expanding the RPLUG site soon, adding a special section devoted exclusively to and maintained by our RPLUG Debian users. Watch for it!
Be sure to check here for updates, and also make more frequent use of our message board, "The Rookery".
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson
Next Meeting is confirmed by our host, Jim Teece, and will be 5:30PM Thursday, January 11, 2001 at Project A, 340 A Street in Ashland 97520.We will repeat with an informal discussion session and Linux Install-fest. If you would like to install Linux at the meeting, do two things:
- email me me a note saying you would like to install, so I can plan for space and time, and
- read the Install Prep Checklist in our HOWTOs area.
Caldera Systems has delivered TWENTY full retail distributon packages of their OpenLinux2.3 and I will be giving them out free to anyone wanting to try it. All they ask in return is that we publish a review of installation, setup, and use experiences. Anyone wishing to collaborate with me on this please email me and we can talk it over. You furnish notes, screenshots, and comments, I'll edit and write it up. We'll start a "Reviews" page here at the RPLUG site. I will begin with a review of an install on an old laptop I was loaned.
Be sure to check our site for updates, and also make more frequent use of our message board, "The Rookery".
Any suggestions for modifications/additions are welcome - email me.
--Rik Nilsson