Re: chmod - in the hands of an idiot :-(

Posted by Jim ( on February 02, 2002 at 11:51:14:

In Reply to: Re: chmod - in the hands of an idiot :-( posted by Loran Hughes on February 02, 2002 at 09:57:15:

Thanks Loran,

I was hoping that maybe a file of the changes was logged during the execution of chmod that showed the previous settings. It was a pipe dream.

I should have introduced myself I suppose. I am based in Medford, and just startedusing Red Hat 7.2 and have been reading all I can about admin on Linux, but as you can see I have reached the "little bit of knowledge is dangerous" level.

I saw this site 2 days ago and thought it would be safer announcing that my /asdl connected box was now 'wide open' to a local group rather than USENET or a pool of 'script kiddies'.

Thank you for such a quick response. I'll be re installing soon.

If you care to indulge me again...

The issue that led me to this disaster was installing the NEdit RPM from root and then trying to run it from a link on my /home/jlinch usr. NEdit looks for a config file .NEdit in the local /home/$USR dir, but running the program from from /usr/X11R16/bin causes it to use the .NEdit file in that d






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